What is Zero Trust?
Zero Trust is a security model that assumes all users, devices, and network traffic are potential threats.
10 Python Libraries Every AI/ML Developer Should Know
Python Libraries Every AI/ML Developer Should Know to get ahead in the field.
Autoincrement ID Support in SQLAlchemy
Autoincrement ID Support in SQLAlchemy library for Python in MySQL.
Multiple return values from a function
Multiple return values from a function: How to use multiple return values from a function in GoLang.
Advantages of Open source software
Advantages of Open source software over proprietary software.
A Guide to the Amazon Recruiting Process: What to Expect and How to Get Ready
Amazon Recruiting Process: my experience and what to expect.
Top Open source YouTube Extensions in 2023
Top open source YouTube extensions in 2023 to help you.
Understanding Python's Pre-Constructed Exceptions for Beginners
Understanding Python's Pre-Constructed Exceptions for Beginners: How to use try/except blocks to handle exceptions.
The Importance of Backward Slashes in Python and How to Use Them
The importance of Backward Slashes in Python and how to use them
Usage of forward slash (/) in Python
Usage of forward slash (/) in Python and how to use it
PWA: Progressive Web App
Progressive Web Applications (PWA) is intended to work on any platform with a standards-compliant browser, including desktop and mobile devices.